4 days, 5 races Egypt International Orienteering Championship in Alexandria has ended. Hong Kong athletes got great results, with 2 times within top 3.
The first race was PreO, in Montazah Palace Gardens on 1th February with 23 controls, where the top 4 got 22 correct. The champion was Alessio Tenani from Italy, beating other competitors with 10 seconds in time controls. The best athlete from Hong Kong was Chi Ko Abdon Cheung, who got the third with 22 correct and 44 seconds. Wing Chung Tam and Michael Chun Chi Tsang got the 5th and the 7th respectively with 21 correct.

Two races was held on 2th February: sprint first and TempO afterwards, in Arab Academy. The length of sprint was 2.9 kilometres and the climb was 10 metres. Nikola Bilić from Serbia got the champion with 15 minutes and 16 seconds, where Alessio Tenani from Italy was 1 second behind. Wing Chung Tam (17 minutes 5 seconds) and Chi Ko Abdon Cheung (18 minutes 13 seconds) got the 6th and 7th place respectively, while Michael Chun Chi Tsang (24 minutes and 23 seconds) got the 16th place.

There were 5 stations, with 5 controls each at the TempO. The champion was got by Alessio Tenani from Italy again, answering all correctly in 184 seconds. Michael Chun Chi Tsang from Hong Kong completed in 153 seconds, but with 3 mistakes, getting the 2nd place with 243 seconds total time. Chi Ko Abdon Cheung and Wing Chung Tam got the 4th and 11th place with 227 and 442 seconds total time respectively.

Michael Chun Chi Tsang
The long distance race on 3rd February was held in El Alamein Marina Resort, length 9.7 kilometres, climb 30 metres, 25 controls. The champion was got by Alessio Tenani from Italy again in 48 minutes and 5 seconds. The results from Hong Kong were 6th place Wing Chung Tam (56 minutes and 19 seconds), Chi Ko Abdon Cheung (59 minutes and 22 seconds) and 19th place Michael Chun Chi Tsang (1 hour, 38 minutes and 28 seconds).

The middle distance race on 4th February was held in Montazah Palace Gardens, the same venue as the previous PreO race, length 6.6 km, climb 30 m, 29 controls. Alessio Tenani from Italy got the champion again, 4 champions among 5 races, in 30 minutes and 14 seconds. The results from Hong Kong were 5th place Chi Ko Abdon Cheung (34 minutes 27 seconds), 7th place Wing Chung Tam (35 minutes 57 seconds) and 19th place Michael Chun Chi Tsang (1 hour, 3 minutes and 7 seconds).
The overall top 3 in FootO were Alessio Tenani from Italy (1 hour, 33 minutes and 36 seconds total), Sava Lazić from Serbia (1 hour, 35 minutes and 29 seconds) and Nicolas Gires from France (1 hour, 37 minutes and 24 seconds).
Photo credit: Juba Photographer