PreO and TempO qualifications are coming

PreO and TempO qualification races will be held next month, held by OAHK and Y2Y respectively. The top performers in these qualification races will be able to participate in the élite class of Hong Kong Trail Orienteering Championship in the corresponding discipline.

Furthermore, due to a typhoon before, Y2Y TrailO League (stage 1) has been postponed to 1st September and is now reopen for registration. If you are interested you can sign up even if you haven’t sign up before.

The calendar of this site has been updated.

World Trail Orienteering Championship 2018

The World Trail Orienteering Championships this year, held in Daugavpils, Latvia, has ended. The Hong Kong team has achieved great results, with 2 team members entered TempO final.


The TempO race was held in Daugavpils Fortress. Petteri Hakala, representing Finland, won the title of World Champion in TempO. He completed 25 controls in 152.5 seconds, with 1 mistake causing 30 seconds as penalty, and totalled 182.5 seconds as the final result. Lennart Wahlgren representing Sweden and Jan Furucz representing Slovakia both got the first runner-up. They both completed 25 controls in 127 seconds with 2 mistakes, totalled 187 seconds.

The Hong Kong team members are Yau Chiu Hui, Tak Kun Li, Michael Chun Chi Tsang and Wang Ki Yuen, where Wang Ki Yuen was the first time in the team, and the others all had previous world championship experiences.

Athlete Heat Heat result Heat rank Final result Rank
Yau Chiu Hui B 264.5 11 343 27
Tak Kun Li A 300 15 383.5 31
Wang Ki Yuen B 385.5 28 did not advance
Michael Chun Chi Tsang A 460.5 31 did not advance


The PreO race was a 2-day race, held in Jaunā Forštate, in the southern part for the first day and in the northern part near the quarry for the second day. There were 28 controls on the first day and 33 controls on the second day. There were 5 athletes with perfect score in the open class, resulting in the podium place determined by the time controls. Jan Furucz representing Slovakia won the title of world champion in PreO by 30.5 seconds in time control, Geir Myhr Oien representing Norway got the first runner-up with 43 seconds, and Antti Rusanen representing Finland got the second runner-up with 45.5 seconds. While in the paralympic class, the first three places were won by Ola Jansson representing Sweden, Michael Johansson representing Sweden and Svein Jakobsen representing Norway in order, scoring 58, 57 and 56 out of 61.

The results of Hong Kong team in open class are follows:

Athlete Day 1 Day 2 Total Rank
Chun Ho Ho 24, 137.5″ 31, 89.5″ 55, 227″ 39
Chi Hang Liang 23, 90″ 28, 81.5″ 51, 171.5″ 52
Yau Chiu Hui 25, 151.5″ 24, 18.5″ 49, 170″ 56


The relay race was held near Jaunie Stropi. There were 30 PreO controls in total (10 each) and 4 controls in each time station.

In open class, Norway team won the relay race with 285 seconds in total, Latvia team got the first runner-up with 319 seconds, and Finland team got the second runner-up with 334 seconds. In paralympic class, the first three places are Sweden (453 seconds), Czechia (483 seconds) and Russia (645 seconds).

The Hong Kong team members of relay race in open class, in the starting order, were Chun Ho Ho, Chi Hang Liang and Yau Chiu Hui. The team got 548 seconds in total and placed the 17th.

WTOC 2018 TempO

TempO race of WTOC 2018 was held in Daugavpils Fortress today. There were 4 athletes representing Hong Kong in TempO.


The qualification was in 2 parallel groups with best 18 from each qualified for final, with 6 stations of 4 controls each.

The results of Hong Kong athletes were follow:

Heat A:
15 Tak Kun Li 300″
31 Michael Chun Chi Tsang 460.5″

Heat B:
11 Yau Chiu Hui 264.5″
28 Wang Ki Yuen 385.5″


There were 5 stations of 5 controls each in the final. Petteri Hakala from Finland got the World Champion with 182.5 seconds for a total of 25 controls, Lennart Wahlgren from Sweden and Jan Furucz from Slovakia both got the second place with 187 seconds.

There were 2 Hong Kong athletes qualified and their results were follows:

27 Yau Chiu Hui 343″
31 Tak Kun Li 383.5″

The full results can be read in the following links:

Heat A
Heat B

Falco Cup 2018

Falco Cup 2018 was just held in Smiltynė, Lithuania in Curonian Spit National Park on 1st to 3rd August. The first two days’ competitions were PreO + TempO, with TempO stations at the end, and the last day’s competition was a world ranking event with PreO only.

There were 51 participants completed all the competitions, 7 from Hong Kong.

The winner was Sigurd Dæhli, got only 788 seconds in all competitions using relay formula, and the total results of Hong Kong participants are follows:

rank athlete result (seconds)
24 Yau Chiu Hui 1973
28 Chun Ho Ho 2133
30 Chi Hang Liang 2224
34 Michael Chun Chi Tsang 2423
36 Wangki Yuen 2485
39 Li Tak Kun 2633
43 Man Fai Timothy Kwong 2819